
The owls zippyshare
The owls zippyshare

Where each step for the main character is filled with adventure and danger and perhaps even a lovely maiden or two along the way. Furthermore on another note, you would think a pseudo fantasy heroes journey would be all about the journey. There's no real balance of purpose for the Pure Ones. Essentially when broken down the bad owls, the Pure Ones, really only seem to be into slavery, kidnapping and training child soldiers and for all other purposes ethnic genocide all aimed in the total commitment of just being evil bastards. In that everything boils down to the one righteous path or collective taking arms against the bullying radical one. The owls suffer from the same boring over dramatic dull most fantasy stories suffer from in terms of plot.

the owls zippyshare

You're never lost in this world and the plot advanced fast enough that your brain never has the time to throw up too many red flags and pull you right out of the story. It's kicked from one reel to the next, which kind of works in its favor to some degree.


And I will say this, although in about twenty minutes of the movie you'll hear somewhere around fifteen fantasy words, one's that have no relevance to the real world, but the movie never makes the mistake of sticking around them long enough to where things just get dry and confusing. Furthermore the heavy handed emotional speeches that usually make my ears bleed just a bit actually have some proper reserve behind them, relying more on the power of the words more then the emotional act behind them. Helen Mirren has a nice mother/temptress run at things, and Jim Sturgess finds that sweet spot between being a naive dreamer and headstrong bravery. The voice work has some charm and believe it or not Hugo Weaving is not the villain in this movie, in fact he has two separate roles in a bizarre double casting. The CG looks fantastic, the facial animations carry all the right emotions and don't even get me started on the feather as each one acts as they should wither their in the air or dancing through the rain all without diving strait into the uncanny valley. On reflection there's a few things to like about this little movie. The fact that they're owls never sticks out to a negative and the fantasy aspects of the story kick and carry the weight of the plot nice and properly. While on the surface having a cast composed almost essentially of all owls seems a bit silly, and to some degree it still is, but the movie carries itself in the right tone. Which seems kind of like retreading dead waters at this point, but hey throw some owls in there and you got something fresh enough to justify a ninety some minute movie.

the owls zippyshare

I suppose this is that movie that's a third generation retelling of an older more established fantasy settings and hero's journey.

The owls zippyshare